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GoGuardian Teacher

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GoGuardian Teacher has been implemented
district-wide in Wadsworth City Schools as of 11/16/2020.


1.  What is the program?  It’s a teacher tool that enables teachers to see the screens of all the Chromebooks of students in their class.  For more information about GoGuardian Teacher, please visit their website:


2.  Why did we decide to implement this tool?  We have a Technology Committee made up of teachers, principals, administrators, and board members that meet routinely throughout the year.  Last year, the committee decided to move ahead with finding a program that would give teachers more tools to control the technology.  The product that best fits the needs of our district is GoGuardian Teacher.  At its core, this product helps to ensure that students stay on track with their studies and pay attention to lessons.  


3.  Improved communication: GoGuardian Teacher enables the students and teachers to communicate directly when they have questions.  Students can ask a question of the teacher privately during a lesson and the teacher can respond directly in a pop-up on their Chromebook.  This potentially removes the anxiety that a child may have of speaking up in class when they don’t understand what is being discussed.  To see a demo of how the program works, click here:


4.  Student Privacy: Teachers have no visibility into any student’s activity outside of the hours of 7:30 am and 3:30 pm, M-F, a normal school day.  We put this restriction in place to protect the privacy of students.  Also, teachers have zero access to view the Chromebook camera on a student device, ever.  


5. Data Protection: GoGuardian is 100% compliant with Student Data Privacy laws, CIPA, FERPA, etc.  Please read more about this on their site:


6.  Video: Please click here to watch Phil Luthman, Director of Technology for Wadsworth City Schools, discuss this new teacher tool: GoGuardian Teacher.  (Note: the video states the hours of 7 am - 4 pm, when it is actually 7:30 am - 3:30 pm on the hours of restriction M-F)